State Fines For Texting and Driving


The leading cause of death for teenage drivers is now texting while driving, not drinking, with nearly a dozen teens dying each day in a texting related car crash. So far, 46 states have passed legislation banning texting and driving.

The fines vary by state and the median penalty is $100, with Alaska having the most sever maximum penalty of …


Rowdy Passengers Are Greater Risk To Teen Drivers than Cell Phones

tableTeenage drivers that are distracted by rowdy passengers fooling around or talking loud are more likely to be involved in serious incidents than those distracted by technology such as cell phones, according to a new study.

“Forty-three states currently restrict newly licensed drivers from having more than one young passenger in their vehicle,” Robert Foss, senior research scientist at the …


Driver Dies After Taking Selfies and Posting on Facebook while Driving

sanfordcrashCourney Ann Sanford, 32, of Clemmons, N.C. died April 24th in a car wreck, moments after she posting on Facebook how much she liked “the happy song.”

Police say was posting selfies and a Facebook status while driving, died after crashing into a truck on a North Carolina highway.

Sanford’s car ran off the road and caught fire. She died …


Teens Need To Focus On Truck Blind Spots and Driving Safety

Nearly 4,000 people die nationwide each year in crashes involving large commercial trucks or buses. Many of those people are young, inexperienced drivers who don’t understand the dangers they and their passengers face every day on the road.

Federal officials, law enforcement and teen driving safety advocates are joining forces to help young drivers share the roadways more safely with …


MADD / Nationwide Survey – “No Alcohol” Message to Teens

New data from a national survey of high school students shows that teens who receive a message from their parents that underage drinking is completely unacceptable are more than 80 percent less likely to drink than teens who receive other messages. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and National Presenting Sponsor Nationwide Insurance® released the new survey results today with a …