Average Cost to Insure Teen Drivers in all 50 States

gotinsuranceCarinsurance.com published a report on the average cost to insure teen drivers in all 50 states. Because teenagers are considered young and inexperienced drivers, insurance companies consider them to be high-risk drivers, so it costs thousands of dollars to insure them. In addition to age, other factors come into play when insurers decide how much to charge for coverage. Chief …


Best and Worst States for Teen Drivers


To identify the best and worst states for teen drivers, CarInsurance.com analyzed these five teen-driving metrics:

  • Number of teen driver fatalities per 100,000 population
  • Effectiveness of Graduated driving license (GDL) components
  • Teen drinking and driving rates
  • Teen emailing/texting and driving rates
  • Average annual insurance costs for teen drivers, which is a reflection of the risk level for this driving group